
dé/montage. Works by artists from Berlin

curated by Barbara J. Scheuermann
Susanne Kutter, Alexej Meschtschanow, Regine Müller-Waldeck, Christoph Steinmeyer
until 13 September at Grusenmeyer Gallery, Deurle (Belgium)
"Berlin is still one of the most attracting cities for artists of our time. This is not only due to the legendary low rents and living costs (which are not so low anymore anyway) but also because of Berlin’s unique history in the last century and its thus unique “energy” which is noticeable for everyone visiting the city’s galleries, artist studios, and, probably even more, its bars, parks and its many, many 'project spaces'.
I do not believe that there is a certain “trend” in the huge and diverse art scene of Berlin, or that there is a trend that is more important than another. However, I do believe that there are particular trends or rather themes and issues which are at certain times more relevant than they are at others. (...)"
full text here

image: installation view "dé/montage": Alexej Meschtschanow, Christoph Steinmeyer and Susanne Kutter at Grusenmeyer Gallery, Deurle

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